Lines of business
Industrial Services
This business unit constitutes one of the essential references of NERVIÓN INDUSTRIES, being one of the oldest departments of the Company. Participant in outstanding projects in the chemical, petrochemical and shipbuilding sectors.

Lines of business
Engineering and Construction
At NERVIÓN INDUSTRIES we collaborate with the client in NERVIÓN INDUSTRIES we collaborate with the client in the management, supervision, feasibility studies, tank design and renovation, applying and developing bespoke technologies and IT systems.

Lines of business
Project Management
NERVIÓN INDUSTRIES undertakes EPC projects internationally, assuming their integrated management, executing all phases until final handover to the client

Our projects are the proof of our work, we are committed to sustainability, efficiency and innovation in all our projects.
Our commitment is based on the quality of service to obtain customer satisfaction and peace of mind in their works and processes, building a solid and lasting framework of trust.
Our commitment is based on the quality of service to obtain customer satisfaction and peace of mind in their works and processes, building a solid and lasting framework of trust.

We are a company with a workforce of more than 1,300 people, including engineers, technicians, managers, team leaders and production staff. Join our team.

Nervion industries ha obtenido las certificaciones internacionales ISO 37301 Compliance, UNE 19601 Compliance Penal y UNE 19603 Libre Competencia, así como la recertificación en ISO 37001 de Gestión Antisoborno.
Nervion Amper Industrial eleva sus estándares éticos con las certificaciones en compliance penal, libre competencia y antisoborno de Bureau Veritas