Amper / Nervión Group, formed by Nervión Amper Industrial, Nervión Industries, Engineering and Services, Nervión Naval-Offshore and Neo Scaffolding Insulation and Cleaning (Neosic), considers a priority objective to ensure that all the company’s activities are adopted, the from the moment of their planning and during their execution, necessary measures to avoid the risks that could appear at source and for those risks that are considered unavoidable, all the necessary preventive and protective measures are put in place to prevent damage and deterioration of the health of all the employees.

Therefore all persons with managerial and command positions are responsible in their area of competence, so they are committed to provide safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of injuries and deterioration of health related to work and to strengthen a preventive culture, must exercise visible, credible and committed leadership.

Amper / Nervión Group Management is committed to continuously improve the effectiveness of Occupational Health and Safety Management using tools such as the establishment, monitoring and review of objectives and controls, as well as to prevent damage and deterioration of the health of all workers.

Therefore, it is the Management’s will to maintain an Occupational Health and Safety Management System that complies with the requirements of the ISO 45001 standard or others of recognized prestige.

In coherence with these principles, the following commitments are made in the area of Occupational Health and Safety:

  • To certify compliance with applicable legal requirements, customer requirements and any other commitments to which the company subscribes.
  • To integrate the prevention management system at all levels of the organization and in all its activities.
  •  To provide safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of injuries and deterioration of health related to the work performed.
  • To ensure the safety of those who form part of Nervión Industries and its collaborating companies, identifying dangers and avoiding or minimizing risks.
  • Provide all personnel with the work equipment, individual and collective protection equipment necessary to perform the work in safe conditions.
  • Adequately inform and train all workers of the risks that could not be avoided.
  • Encourage worker consultation and participation.
  • Promote the recognition of achievements of proactive personnel in Occupational Risk Prevention.
  • Prohibit the use or consumption of psychoactive substances, such as illegal drugs and narcotics, without medical prescription, as well as the performance of the job under the effects or influence of alcohol on company premises, customers or other places where they must go for work reasons.
  • To halt any activity that may pose a risk to the safety and health of themselves or others, with no consequences against employees who in good faith point out a risk situation or stop work, even though this situation may later prove to be unnecessary.


Link to the document

Bilbao,  1st  November, 2021

firma Antonio Alfonso

Signature: Antonio Alfonso

CEO Nervión Industries